Friday, May 22, 2020

The Theory Of Criminal Behavior - 1191 Words

An additional nature argument is that some children inherit an addiction to an illegal substance because their parents may have taken it up during pregnancy. Having this biological trait means that the child is more likely to become addicted to it in later life and thus be more prone to committing crimes as it has been found that drugs and alcohol are main factors in why individuals commit unlawful behaviour. Others go on to challenge the nature debate, one reason being is criminal behaviour sometimes can t be defined. Law in our society is defined by social and legal intuitions, not in biology. What is criminal in one country may not be in another so how can one gene deformation cause one to become a criminal ? So, as these studies have found, there appears to be some genetic traits that can influence criminal behaviour such as a person’s gender or mental illness. But this doesn t mean there is an evil gene which all criminals inherit, social factors also have a huge part to play in it too. THE NURTURE ARGUMENT Therefore, at the other hand of the spectrum, sociologists have conducted studies to find out whether a person’s social environment has influenced them to take part in criminal behaviour. This is known as the nurture debate. In order to understand the nurture side, what a ‘social environment’ is, must first be understood - The moulding behaviour based on a set of morals , values and beliefs that are instilled in individuals during early childhood,Show MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior955 Words   |  4 PagesThe theory I believe that explains criminal behavior and delinquency the best would be the Differential Reinforcement Theory, reviewed by Robert Burgess and Ronald Akers after it was criticized by C.R. Jeffery. Burgess and Akers argued against Sutherland’s work by using what he had used already and adding operant conditioning and modeling/condition in order to explain criminal behavior more clearly. They offered seven propositions to summarize the Differential Reinforcement Theory, which was a justificationRead MoreThe Theories Of Criminal Behavior893 Words   |  4 PagesCriminal behavior can be defined as any type of disruptive behavior or antisocial behavior that violates a law and is punishable by society. The three main causes of criminal behavior are psychological impacts, sociological influences, and biological factors. Although there are many more factors that can trigger criminal behaviors, they can all be summed up into the never-ending question, nature versus nature? The psychological approach to criminal behavior is categorized into the nurture sideRead MoreTheory of Criminal Behavior2402 Words   |  10 PagesRunning head: Theories of Criminal Behavior Theories of Criminal Behavior Theories of Criminal Behavior The beginning of civilization dawned a new era in which man came together to live amongst one another in relative peace and prosperity. The advent of civilization however also brought about people who choose to live a life outside of societal norms and law, norms and thus was the creation of the criminal. All civilizations tried to suppress and discourage crime by using aRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior1333 Words   |  6 PagesCriminal behavior has been a difficult term to define over the years due to the many variables that must be taken into account in order to present an accurate definition. However, the definition provided by Bartol is as follows, â€Å"Behavior in violation of the criminal code that is intentional and without justification or excuse† (Bartol, 2014). A vital variable that is represented in criminal behavior is crime. The fundamental purpose of theory is to explain things that can be observed. When discussingRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Beha vior1412 Words   |  6 Pagesof social process theories that are rooted in their notion that criminal behavior is learned by a social context. There has been a learning perspective that assumed that there are law- breaking values, norms, and etc. The section goes on to explain the theories envision that a criminal’s behavior is a product of the same learning process of noncriminal behavior. Crime is known for being constructed as a normal behavior rather than pathological. The task of this learning theory is to detail theRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior Essay2360 Words   |  10 Pageseven though there have been harsh laws enforced for those who commit crimes. These people have come up with theories as to why people commit crimes to understand these theories, we must understand what a crime is and understand the definition of theories. Crime is a human conduct that violates the laws of a state or the federal government. There are different ways people view criminal behaviors either through the view of the social problem perspective which blames the society and the social responsibilityRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior1608 Words   |  7 Pagescauses of his criminal behaviour through the three different criminological schools of thought: classical, positivist, and sociological. There are a number of concepts of crime including human nature, the society, social contract, the law, and punishment. The central concepts of the classical school of thought is that people are egotistical, rational, motivated by pain and pleasure, people choose their behaviour, and behaviour can be modified by fear of punishment. The classical theory focuses onRead MoreBiological Theories Of Criminal Behavior844 Words   |  4 PagesBiological Theories are vastly growing with fascinating research. The main stump is concretely linking it to criminal behavior, because some theories are more relatable than others. Theories involving temperament and hormones give real life biological explanations, while others like extrovert and introvert behaviors, and neuroticism explain a weaker link to crime. However, all theories are valuable in exploring the root of crime. Temperament can be described as the natural mood disposition determinedRead MoreThe Psychological Theories Of Criminal Behavior883 Words   |  4 PagesPsychological Theories The psychological theories of criminal behavior focus on the lack of socialization, incomplete cognitive development, and bad childhood experiences. Those who study psychological theories believe that failures in cognitive development can be a major factor in malfunctioning behavior. These criminals have difficulty controlling anger and containing violence, which causes them to lash out. The results of these episodes are murder, rape, robbery, assault, and battery. Many moreRead MoreEssay on Theory of Criminal Behavior1000 Words   |  4 Pages1.0 Introduction Crime depicts any act or omission that is prohibited by the public law. On the same note, behavior is a function which has measurable differences in psychological characteristics among individuals (Brennan-Galvin, 2002). Such characteristics may be influenced by constitutional, personality attributes, and neurophysiologic or genetics factors. Likewise, criminal behavior is the commission of acts which in their situational and social settings are considered crimes due to the fact

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